Our Story

The Ketingas Press editorial board (above) would like to offer their sincere thanks to all the enterprises and individuals who have contributed funds to us (often willingly) over the years. Special thanks go to...
Our Sponsors

Mode de Owl
Aficionados of the recent ‘Owl Craze’ will be delighted to patronise this fashionable de la mode boutique in the heart of the exclusive Barrio de Salamanca.
You may bring your own owls for processing, or choose from this establishment’s unrivalled range of stuffed nocturnal avians.

Are you ashamed by your poor posture and lack of bearing? Fear not, the redoubtable ‘Claudio’, Canada's most celebrated chiropractor, has developed an infallible cure – the Post-Ure-Rite Iron Mantle (pictured above).
Those wishing to sample this miracle should stand on the corner of Bancroft and Huron where a boy will be sent to meet you.

Colonel Philbert and 'Mipsy'
(New York, NY)
This pair of swells will keep you in stitches with their quick-paced backchat and humorous songs. Will the mirthful Mipsy ever raise a smile from the lugubrious Colonel – you betcha!
See the comical pals every night (excluding Thursdays and Shrove Tuesdays) at Mulroony's Tavern (8:00 till 12:00).

The Rappahannnock River Gentlemen's Hat Club
(Fredericksburg, VA)
Devotes of masculine millinery will flock to the idyllic and secluded Goat Island to meet with other like-minded individuals on regular weekend camping trips.
Sorry ladies, our dress-code forbids the presence of the fairer sex!

'Lillibet the Lifeguard'
Fair ‘Lillibet’ (Miss Elizabeth Throgmorton, late of the Pudsy Public Baths, Liverpool) has entertained thousands with her amusing anecdotes of lifesaving escapades.
Watch her re-enact her most daring rescues and thrill at the sight of her backstroke, deep-breathing exercises, and patented ‘jellyfish float’.

The Gatsby Asylum
Home to some of Australia’s most celebrated lunatics, the Gatsby Asylum combines the comfort of five-star accommodation and service, with a restorative regimen of daily ice-baths, mustard enemas and electric shocks.
Dozens have swiftly declared themselves cured and ‘flown the cuckoo’s nest’ after these enervating prescriptions.